Tuesday, June 30, 2009

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Online bartending schools are a convenient solution for someone who d like to learn the art of bartending but cannot afford the time or the fees required to learn this exciting skill. When the night is over and the lights go up, everyone starts to trickle out the front door a little more broke than they were when they entered.

For years, the average bartender was in their early twenties. You also learn about customer service. Although these things are essential, bartenders also need the proper technique for mixing drinks and cocktails as well.

If you are on the bar blowing your whistle, I guarantee people will turn and look at you. There are several styles of bartending as well, including the well known and very impressive flair style. It's practically impossible to take anything you see or read at face value.

And most importantly, get the interviewer to like you. Through word of mouth and a great personality you can help make your place of work busy.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

bartending resume samples - these are the fundamentals you should know

Historically humans have always had a fondness for spirits which is an enormous benefit to those pursuing a bartending career. Many people start out bartending on the side, along with a daytime career of their choice, just for getting the chance to meet new, interesting people or just to have some extra income, to help them out with all of the expenses that go along with daily living, or to pay off some old debts.

The bar must be located in an area that is highly accessible and must have plenty of space behind it. Apart from all these, a Virgin drink generally means a drink with no alcohol. The bartender must know his way in, out and around his bar to avoid confusion and to save time and energy especially when he is catering to a party of a thousand people.

They should keep clean an adequate supply of glassware, and never have time to simply stand around doing nothing. Should your drink call for a carbonated mixer, such as champagne or club soda, it is essential to add them last. While learning how to make and serve drinks the students also pick up on how to be a top knotch bartender.

Once you become a bartender you will be absolutely amazed at how often you make the same drinks. Aspiring bartenders just don't usually know where to start, so we have helped you out in that direction.

Bartending Dictionary - It's Sexy Online Bartending Certification rudiments

Saturday, June 20, 2009

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There are two basic forms of Bartending schools available, hands on and online. Lots of people want to get a bartending job but don't know how to go about doing it.

First and foremost, you have to learn how to physically set up the bar. Bartenders are the people who make and serve drinks at the bar. You have to be able to think quick on your feet, another words make quick decisions.

You will get a list of bartender schools in your area from the yellow pages or from the Internet. While there is a lot of hard work involved, the excitement and fun of the atmosphere is hard to beat. If they feel like you are likeable and have a positive attitude they will think that their customers will like you and spend more money.

And remember, there are lots of schools out there, so look around. Even if you aren't in the pay for performance workforce, a bartending job may be exactly what you need.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

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To be a bartender, you need to have certain common skills, such knowing what makes a good drink, good communication, efficiency and speed. So you want to learn how to increase your tips?

It will amaze you at the end of your shift as to how greatly your happy customers appreciate you, because your money will begin to increase and you will definitely notice the difference within just a matter of time. Of course, drink making is of the top priority. When I speak of the negative parts of being a bartender, I am not downing bartending at all, I just want you to completely understand how difficult the job could be on you, if you are not experienced and if you go into it without much knowledge.

So next time you show up to a bar on a weekend willing to spend a hundred dollars on overpriced cocktails, consider being on the other side of the bar. Flair is the most difficult technique in bartending, but it is also the most entertaining. They learn how to blend assorted types of alcoholic beverages and the correct names that many of these drinks are known as.

Bartending is a great way to mitigate your risk and stabilize your income. When your day job slows down your bartending job will pick up.

Bartending Video Flair Video

Thursday, June 11, 2009

bartending salaries For The Beginning Bartender

There are a lot of people already in the restaurant business and people with no experience just looking to make some extra money. Some Bartending jobs are no longer considered a part time job, or a temporary job.

The bar should be placed in an area that is easy to reach and provides plenty of space behind it. A bartender who spends too much time attending the customers can be a problem as well, since they will either leave a big mess, or else rack up overtime hours doing things they should have been doing during their regular shift. Most of the mature bartenders were either the bar owners or had drinking problems and found it convenient to be in close proximity to alcohol.

The resume did not include unrelated skills that you often see thrown onto resumes like I can type 65 word a minute or I am proficient in excell. It also takes coordination to move quick enough to keep up with the orders without dropping or spilling things. Most people drink in a bar for pleasant conversation and a good time.

In the more festive seasons and occasions, certain drinks are part of tradition. The next time you re in a busy nightclub, take a look behind the bar.

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

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Are you thinking about becoming a bartender? In order for a bar to succeed, you will need to have the basic wines, liquors, and spirits, along with the right equipment.

The bartender has to learn the area behind the bar, and know everything about it. Most bartending courses also include a video demonstration of how to prepare the drink. Another idea to bring down more people to your establishment, though it is employed by very few places, is to have a guest bartender come in one night a week.

A Julep is a popular drink and is made of bourbon, sugar, mint and crushed ice. The DJ can either announce drink specials or even events, as well as help to get people to your bar. Most people drink in a bar for pleasant conversation and a good time.

You are in the business of not only selling drinks but of selling yourself as well. Your smile and your obvious enjoyment of both your job and your customers are worth a lot more than you think.

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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

bartender mixing drinks guide - Bartending Is Fun

Proper techniques in mixing drinks and cocktails are very essential for the bars success. Online bartending schools are getting increasingly innovative and their courses include audio as well as video instructions complete with color photos, recipes and loads of tips and tricks.

Getting the crowd laughing, interest them in conversation, talking to them about the current sports news, and you will have your regulars and having their drink ready for them before they even sit down at the bar will surely please them, and they will always remember to reward you in return. As a bartender, you will be put into big pressure situations, working long hours, dealing with other people who are sometimes drunk, dealing with money. This website is an online resource for bartenders.

They should keep clean an adequate supply of glassware, and never have time to simply stand around doing nothing. Good communication and rapport building with your customers is essential. Almost all mixed drinks require juice, such as screwdrivers, which require both vodka and orange juice.

For a more detailed plan and more information, just sign up for the newsletter at the top of this page. The job is high paying, a lot of fun, and a great way to meet new people.

Friday, May 29, 2009

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For a person interested in a bartending career it is advisable to check out a good bartending school. Are you thinking about becoming a bartender?

If you are managing a bar and considering doing some hiring, you should probably just keep in mind that the bartender that you choose to hire for your business, will strictly be based on professionalism, skills behind the bar and experience preferred but not necessary and you should not base it on whether or not they are male or female. It is somewhat impossible to know all of the possible mixtures of drink ingredients. The rush hour, which is from one to two in the early morning, the mixing stations can serve up to two hundred drinks per hour.

You learn about the different types of liquors, the mixers that go with them, and the garnishes that add the finishing touch. The big difference between bartending and any other business is that bar customers usually come to the bar not because of the drinks offered but because of the bartender and the atmosphere. If they feel like you are likeable and have a positive attitude they will think that their customers will like you and spend more money.

When searching for a bartender school of choice get the facts. While you get your dream job, do not get stagnant, always try to forge new contacts, upgrade your skills and look out to make further advancement in your bartending career.

Monday, May 25, 2009

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The courses in mixology take bartending a little farther than just tending bar. Bartending seems like a pretty easy occupation.

A Cocktail is any alcoholic beverage that usually combines brandy, vodka, gin, or whiskey with other liquors or fruit juices and is often served chilled. Bartending can have some challenging moments but overall, the different encounters you will have the opportunity to get on a daily or nightly basis and all of the appreciation your customers show to you, will make you feel really good at the end of the day. Of course, drink making is of the top priority.

Given the earning potential bartending offers as a career, the cost of attending a quality bartending school becomes a wise investment rather than an expense. There are several styles of bartending as well, including the well known and very impressive flair style. Movies depict bartenders as being part priest, part psychiatrist and part sex adviser, but chances are, if bartenders were any of those things, they probably wouldn't be tending bars.

The list can go on an on as there are hundreds of things any bartender should know. The tools that you used to get your bartending job interview will come in very handy in preparation for the interview.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

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There is more to attending a bartending school of mixology than just learning how to mix a good drink. I have often heard that bartending would just be the coolest, all you really have to do is fix a variety of drinks, have a little chit chat here and there and make money for being nice.

A slow bartender will make more unhappy customers than drinks. Bartending is an interesting and exciting field to get into, for both males and females, it is not a job for everybody but if you feel that you have what it takes to be a fantastic bartender but just are not sure how to go about becoming one, keep reading around this site. Learn how to make your customers happy and how to increase your earning potential by increasing your tips.

You must always remain professional, sure, have fun with it, but do not lose your head with the jerks that you will in fact run across once in awhile. Bartenders can listen to customers, but they are not trained to give psychological advice. A bartending job truly can be the remedy you are looking for if the recession has hit you in the wallet.

The bartending career can bring about lots of money. Learn all you can about the school before you enroll.

Bartend Videos Feedage

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

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Many of us might think being a bartender is a walk in the park. When the economy isn't doing well, bar business can actually go up.

Be realistic, know the role before you decide to take part in it. Bartenders are also responsible for keeping everything behind the bar neat and orderly. It is somewhat impossible to know all of the possible mixtures of drink ingredients.

For those who want to do a bartending course just to look like Tom Cruise in Cocktail, there s good news, many online courses include bonus video lessons that explain the fundamentals of flair bartending. Flair bartending involves very impressive techniques and tricks, which will leave customers truly amazed. To write a compelling cover letter you need to tell a compelling story.

The bartending career can bring about lots of money. While you get your dream job, do not get stagnant, always try to forge new contacts, upgrade your skills and look out to make further advancement in your bartending career.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

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If a survey was taken of employees in the business world, a surprising number would admit to moonlighting as a bartender. Historically humans have always had a fondness for spirits which is an enormous benefit to those pursuing a bartending career.

Where should you look for a bartending job? Not only is it unnecessary but your lies will be discovered and your job will be at risk. Most of your fruity, tropical drinks taste much better with crushed ice.

Bartending does require skill. There are many secrets to finding the best bartending jobs, whatever the location. Bartending is an great job, but it's nowhere near the phenomenon that movies would have you believe.

Once you become a bartender you will be absolutely amazed at how often you make the same drinks. A career in Bartending is ideal because there are many environmental options to suite a personality type.

Monday, May 4, 2009

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The legal drinking age in the United States is twenty one. There are so many different kinds of drinks a customer can choose to order.

Pros travel with their own wine opener, pour spouts, cocktail shaker, strainer, long handled spoon, towel and knife for cutting garnishes. Bartending schools provide more than just preparation, they directly effect how much you earn from your very first day on the job. But still bar business goes up as the state of the economy goes down.

Any negative behavior that you possess would not look good to others and it could make a big difference in the amount of money you rake in. Networking with the right kind of people and providing good quality of service will help you rise to the position of Head Bartender. Some drinks are named according to the glass they are served in.

In conclusion, bartending jobs are not as hard to get as it seems as long as you know what is important. Rise above your peers by going out of your way and doing that extra bit just to please your customers.

Bartender Resume Samples - Learn How To Bartend Windows Mobile Bartender the easy way

Thursday, April 30, 2009

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If you plan to hire people for absolutely everything including a manager who knows the secrets of bartending the whole venture can be quite simple or at least business book simple. Decide that you want to become a bartender and resolve yourself to doing it.

I bartended to work my way through both undergraduate and graduate school, and have gone back to it several times when I grew weary of corporate life. Another idea to bring down more people to your establishment, though it is employed by very few places, is to have a guest bartender come in one night a week. A bartending job allows you to sculpt your own schedule to ensure you still have time for your hobbies, friends and family.

Most of the professional bartenders these days have lists of all possible drink combinations hidden under the bar in order for them to serve of the correct combination. Since you may not have a lot of time in mixing, you will not have time to read the labels of each bottle of liquor. Finally, keep proper glassware behind your home bar.

It takes character and personality just to name a few other qualifications it takes to be a good bartender. You need to do what is comfortable for you.

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Sunday, April 26, 2009

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Bar tending is a great job filled with excitement and fun. It is not quite as easy as prople think to set up and start up your own bar.

Many times, when people think about a bartender, their first thought is either someone like on Cheers, friendly, fun and someone that loves to chit chat with customers, or they might think of a really, hot chick or guy bartender, what a nice thought that is. Unless you plan to have a bar back position, someone who cleans and stocks the bar because the bartender is too busy, you must also make sure your bartenders are not just good drink pourers, but also good at keep the bar clean, well stocked, and organized. Although these things are essential, bartenders also need the proper technique for mixing drinks and cocktails as well.

I have seen many bartenders use this technique and make a fortune every night because you are giving them more than a smile, you are demanding their attention and when you get it, you capitalized on it. Anyone, male or female, can be a bartender. The cloth is used to clean spills and is also used to wipe the bar every now and then.

Be able to speak intelligently about your experiences and how they relate to bartending. The bartending career can bring about lots of money.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

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The best bartending schools are set up to emulate a bar or cocktail lounge for the most authentic experience and education. In order for a bar to succeed, you will need to have the basic wines, liquors, and spirits, along with the right equipment.

When the economy suffers people spend more time in bars. Most establishments are not high volume and super fast paced. Top bartending schools are licensed to teach, and students should never feel pressured into gaining an education.

Most of the professional bartenders these days have lists of all possible drink combinations hidden under the bar in order for them to serve of the correct combination. Bartenders can listen to customers, but they are not trained to give psychological advice. Your cover letter must show, not tell that you are a great hire.

This site lays the foundation for beginning your bartending job and job search. Aspiring bartenders just don't usually know where to start, so we have helped you out in that direction.

Free Sample Bartender Resume - you should know the fundamentals first Bartender By Rehab - All About Bartending

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

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Proper techniques in mixing drinks and cocktails are very essential for the bars success. Every ingredient is important when trying to make the perfect mixed drink.

Bartending as a career can be lucrative and extremely fun. Bartending, just like with many jobs, will require a great deal of your time, patience when dealing with customers and being able to do more than one thing at a time, without skipping a beat. You can have the looks but have no kind of skills whatsoever, when it comes to being behind the bar.

The cost of many bartending programs includes job placement assistance following completion. There are so very many different things that you can do in order to be the greatest at bartending, you just have to take mental notes of these things and begin practicing them and putting them to good use the next time you step behind the bar. Good bartenders are conditioned to serving a multiple number of customers at the same time without getting the orders mixed up or all wrong.

Lastly, hygiene and sanitation is very important for all bartenders. These types of drinks are popular and are one of the essential tools of a good bartender.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

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If you plan to hire people for absolutely everything including a manager who knows the secrets of bartending the whole venture can be quite simple or at least business book simple. It is not quite as easy as prople think to set up and start up your own bar.

Even with all the doom and gloom in the news lately I still don't see how a recession directly effects most people. You must be organized, knowing where things are and having access to them at a given notice. When a person says that he wants his drink on the rocks, this means that the wine or liquor is poured over a glass of ice cubes.

We may think we posses the qualities necessary, but in this environment you must have those qualities readily available. You have to remember what ingredients make up hundreds if not thousands of drinks. Competition bartending has allowed even the non competing bartenders to enjoy the benefits of the publics increased opinions of their chosen profession.

It is your skill that matters at the end, so appear for the interview in formal attire to impress the interviewer. The next time you re in a busy nightclub, take a look behind the bar.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

what does it take to be a bartender - Bartend Like The Pros

To be a bartender, you need to have certain common skills, such knowing what makes a good drink, good communication, efficiency and speed. Historically humans have always had a fondness for spirits which is an enormous benefit to those pursuing a bartending career.

A slow bartender will make more unhappy customers than drinks. Although these things are essential, bartenders also need the proper technique for mixing drinks and cocktails as well. As someone said, you need one percent ability and ninety nine personality to become a bartender.

Inventories must be made before the bar opens. Typically, a bartender can make between one hundred and three hundred dollars per night from wages and tips. Almost all mixed drinks require juice, such as screwdrivers, which require both vodka and orange juice.

When searching for a bartender school of choice get the facts. Investing in a quality education will put you on the fast track to maximized earnings in bartending.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

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Prohibition makes a very clear case that people want their drinks and demand is not quashed by the absence of product. The ideal bartender keeps more than cocktails and wine spritzers flowing.

But bartending can be a lot of fun as well, being in a good company of people, hearing the best music on the charts and meeting a lot of new and interesting people is well worth all the effort that you put in. Bartending, just like with many jobs, will require a great deal of your time, patience when dealing with customers and being able to do more than one thing at a time, without skipping a beat. Bartenders need to know their area well, and how to perform their mixing duties when business heats up.

Dealing with customers can also be a tricky thing. Bartenders can listen to customers, but they are not trained to give psychological advice. This resume doesn't have to have bartending experience on it, but it must be tailored to bartending.

You are in the business of not only selling drinks but of selling yourself as well. The demand for bartenders is always high.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

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For a lot of people who think that they can do a bartenders job no problem and join a bartender school expecting it to be easy work, think again. As a new bar owner, you probably don t want to spend the time and energy training a brand new bartender, you will be better off finding one who already has some skills.

Becoming a bartender is just a matter of convincing a bar manager that you would be good at the job. Bartending is an interesting and exciting field to get into, for both males and females, it is not a job for everybody but if you feel that you have what it takes to be a fantastic bartender but just are not sure how to go about becoming one, keep reading around this site. Bartending can have some challenging moments but overall, the different encounters you will have the opportunity to get on a daily or nightly basis and all of the appreciation your customers show to you, will make you feel really good at the end of the day.

Always keep in mind what their drink of choice is and be prepared to offer them their preference. Make sure your resume is free of errors, misspellings, or cross outs. Good bartenders are conditioned to serving a multiple number of customers at the same time without getting the orders mixed up or all wrong.

It is these facts that make sure that its students can get great jobs because they have the hands on experience of bartending. These are all great examples of how anyone can recession proof their income.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

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Lots of people want to get a bartending job but don't know how to go about doing it. Online bartending schools are getting increasingly innovative and their courses include audio as well as video instructions complete with color photos, recipes and loads of tips and tricks.

Your choice of bartending schools should be carefully investigated. Some bartending schools will actually teach the students how to tend bar with style and with some flair. Regardless of which way you look at it, bartending is a rewarding job.

I have seen many bartenders use this technique and make a fortune every night because you are giving them more than a smile, you are demanding their attention and when you get it, you capitalized on it. You should always know the names and preferences of your regulars. Finally, keep proper glassware behind your home bar.

As a matter of fact, bartending courses are now offered online. Make it your priority in your interview to make the interview feel more like a conversation.

Monday, January 19, 2009

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The first step in getting a bartending job is getting an interview. Movies like Cocktail and Coyote Ugly have rocketed bartending as a career choice to new levels.

Test expertise, because good bartenders know major mixed drink recipes by heart. The rush hour, which is from one to two in the early morning, the mixing stations can serve up to two hundred drinks per hour. Apart from all these, a Virgin drink generally means a drink with no alcohol.

The next step is to know your menu and learn how to mix the drinks by heart. You can set up your spirits and liquors in a certain order. The employer needs a reason to hire you, you must give them that reason by showing how you will be an asset to their organization.

Try to remember even the smallest details. Even if you aren't in the pay for performance workforce, a bartending job may be exactly what you need.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

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I've been behind the wood for over a dozen years now and have worked through all cycles of the economy. There are so many different kinds of drinks a customer can choose to order.

Your bartenders that you have hired, male or female, are professional in every way, and provide your customers with good, fast, quality service, therefore most of your customers will show their appreciation by leaving wonderful tips for the bartender and would never dream of causing any kind of trouble in your bar. Keeping bar staff happy might turn into a nightmare, but you have to do your best. If you want to know how to become a bartender simply look at your current job and life experiences and think about how your skill set can be applied to bartending.

For those who want to do a bartending course just to look like Tom Cruise in Cocktail, there s good news, many online courses include bonus video lessons that explain the fundamentals of flair bartending. Bartending offers a rewarding and profitable career for those that are serious about their pursuit. In the refrigerator, there should be a supply of fresh fruit juices, sodas, cream, milk, lemons and other ingredients that are perishable.

It takes character and personality just to name a few other qualifications it takes to be a good bartender. Hopefully these tips will help you create a mixed drink that will draw rave reviews from your guests.

Friday, January 9, 2009

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If you are looking for a bartending job, sometimes it is a good idea to get recommendations from friends, caterers or party planners on who may be looking. Why not take a part-time job as a bartender?

Practise with real ingredients as it helps you get familiar with the appearance of the drink. Working as a bartender is all about personality and product knowledge, the key to a successful bartender in any establishment is to make the patrons feel really welcome and provide excellent service. If you notice the way bartenders conduct themselves, the more confident a bartender carries himself and entertains the crowd the more tips he is likely to make during a night The drink is usually named according to its ingredients, how it is presented and how it looks.

A good memory is essential as a bartender. When a drink is termed sour, it means that it is a short drink made of liquor, lime or lemon juice and sugar. To write a compelling cover letter you need to tell a compelling story.

Aspiring bartenders just don't usually know where to start, so we have helped you out in that direction. Remember. the customer always comes first., and have fun.

Monday, January 5, 2009

types of bartenders

If a survey was taken of employees in the business world, a surprising number would admit to moonlighting as a bartender. Bar tending is a great job filled with excitement and fun.

Test expertise, because good bartenders know major mixed drink recipes by heart. Bartender training helps you create your own special recipes to attract customers and increase your chances of receiving good tips. Bartender training helps you create your own special recipes to attract customers and increase your chances of receiving good tips.

A gin and tonic doesn't require as thorough of a mixing because it is much lighter. If you don t have customers your business will dye. This is important to know, because not all bartending schools offer such intense hands on training.

Remember all the challenging situations you have been in. Do not believe the myth that bartenders need to know hundreds of recipes.

Bartender Guide Drink Mix - what you need to know