For a person interested in a bartending career it is advisable to check out a good bartending school. Are you thinking about becoming a bartender?
If you are managing a bar and considering doing some hiring, you should probably just keep in mind that the bartender that you choose to hire for your business, will strictly be based on professionalism, skills behind the bar and experience preferred but not necessary and you should not base it on whether or not they are male or female. It is somewhat impossible to know all of the possible mixtures of drink ingredients. The rush hour, which is from one to two in the early morning, the mixing stations can serve up to two hundred drinks per hour.
You learn about the different types of liquors, the mixers that go with them, and the garnishes that add the finishing touch. The big difference between bartending and any other business is that bar customers usually come to the bar not because of the drinks offered but because of the bartender and the atmosphere. If they feel like you are likeable and have a positive attitude they will think that their customers will like you and spend more money.
When searching for a bartender school of choice get the facts. While you get your dream job, do not get stagnant, always try to forge new contacts, upgrade your skills and look out to make further advancement in your bartending career.