Lots of people want to get a bartending job but don't know how to go about doing it. Online bartending schools are getting increasingly innovative and their courses include audio as well as video instructions complete with color photos, recipes and loads of tips and tricks.
Your choice of bartending schools should be carefully investigated. Some bartending schools will actually teach the students how to tend bar with style and with some flair. Regardless of which way you look at it, bartending is a rewarding job.
I have seen many bartenders use this technique and make a fortune every night because you are giving them more than a smile, you are demanding their attention and when you get it, you capitalized on it. You should always know the names and preferences of your regulars. Finally, keep proper glassware behind your home bar.
As a matter of fact, bartending courses are now offered online. Make it your priority in your interview to make the interview feel more like a conversation.