In most states the legal age for serving beer and alcohol is twenty one. If you want to learn the time tested techniques that will help fatten your wallet, then you must stay in touch with this site.
Stiring gives the drink a quick mixing without necessarily shaking it. This way you can get more raises or opt for more top shifts. These things will surely improve all aspects of being the perfect bartender and your income will increase because of it, no matter where you work for a living.
You must always remain professional, sure, have fun with it, but do not lose your head with the jerks that you will in fact run across once in awhile. There aremany important skills are often put onto a resume as an after thought or to take up space. Some drinks are named according to the glass they are served in.
This site lays the foundation for beginning your bartending job and job search. Lastly, hygiene and sanitation is very important for all bartenders.